Today, 2/21/2019 we have the death of Peter Tork from the band The Monkees at age 77. His full name is Peter Halsten Thorkelson. He was born on 2/13/1942 in Washinton D.C.

His birthday, 2/13 is like 213.

He died at age 77 and was born in Washington D.C. which is on the 77th meridian.

Washington D.C.=56, 137, 187.

The Monkees=56.


137 is the 33rd prime number.


The Monkees=43, 115.

Masonic=43, 115.

Killing=43, 115.

Peter Halsten Thorkelson=118.


Peter Thorkelson=78, 84.

Jesuit=78, 84, 21. We’re on the 21st of the month.

Scottish Rite=78.


Peter Tork=47, 52.

The Monkees=47, 52.

Thorkelson=47, 52, 133.

Government=47, 52, 133. He died in D.C.

2/21/2019 is the 52nd day of the year with 62 date numerology.


Tork=44, 64.

Kill=44, 64.

He died on the 21st of the month.

He died 8 days after his birthday and 8 represents time. Saturn is the keeper of time and the god Saturn ATE his children.

His last birthday on 2/13/2019 has 54 date numerology and was the 44th day of the year.



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