I found an interesting connection with Irving Morrow, the architect of the Golden Gate Bridge and 8/11/2019.

Wikidata has his birthday as 9/22/1884 and his date of death as 10/28/1952.

From 8/11 to Morrow’s birthday on 9/22 is 1 month 11 days, or 42 days.


8/11/2019 is the day leaving 142 days left in the year.

Irving Morrow=181, the 42nd prime number.

Irving Morrow=82 and the Golden Gate Bridge will be 82 years old on May 27th.

Ritual Sacrifice=82.

Irving F. Morrow=88, 74, 187.



It was 187 days from the State of the Union Address on 2/5/2019 to 8/11/2019.

With 8/11 looking to be the next 911 type event, September 11th is the day leaving 11 days left in the year.

9/11/2001 was in New York.
New York=111 (666), 33, 39.

Morrow=33, 39.

Masonry=33, 39.

From 8/11 to the date of Irving Morrow’s death on 10/28 is 11 weeks 1 day, for another 111.

One Hundred Eleven=81.

Golden Gate Bridge=81.

Irving morrow died at 68 years and 36 days old.

San Francisco=68.

Caskets go 6ft deep and are 8ft long.

666 is the 36th triangular number.


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