Today is 1/31/2019 and it looks like the media/government is making up words again about supposed natural phenomena. With the California fires that have been obviously started by this Masonic cabal for years now, they gave us the name “firenado”, which is blatant mocking that come from the series of some of the worst movies ever made, Sharknado. Now with this extreme polar vortex they’ve been able to push through the country in their latest venture of weather warfare we get the new phrase “frost quakes”.

1/31/2019 has date numerology of 44.


So of course…….
Frost Quakes=44, 62, 64.

Kill=44, 64.


Just taking off the s brings us even more numbers we see constantly.
Frost Quake=43, 52, 56, 133, 137, 612.



Government=52, 133, 137.

White House=52, 133, 137.

Authority=52, 137.

Washington D.C.=56.

Of course with ‘frost quake’ equaling 612 it reminds me of Revelation 6:12 and the great earthquake.
And don’t forget we’re in the year ’19.

For how blatant the mocking is with these ridiculous stories and names they put out I’m surprised they didn’t toss in an advertisement for Frosted Flakes with Tony The Tiger.


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