I just heard about the viral video of the Grim Reaper hovering over the Golden Gate Bridge that was put out back in July on the 24th.

This is obvious predictive programming for Tisha B’Av next year, and something very big, like the next 9/11 type event looks to happen on August 11th 2019.
From July 24th to August 11th is 18 days. Nice 666 connection with the Grim Reaper, 6+6+6=18.

Grim Reaper=460 in Satanic.



From 7/24 to 8/11 is a full span of 19 days.


As for the date 8/11/2019 for Tisha B’Av.
Eight Eleven Twenty Nineteen=118, 370.

Death=118. Just like the date 8/11or 11/8.

Golden Gate Bridge Bombing=118.


From 7/24/2018 to 8/11/2019 is 383 days.

August Eleventh Twenty Nineteen=121, 373(74th prime), 383(76th prime).


Blood Sacrifice=121.



Blood Sacrifice=76.

From the date construction began for the Golden Gate Bridge January 5th, 1933 to August 11th, 2019 is 86 years 218 days.

Blood Sacrifice=86.

From the date construction ended for the Golden Gate Bridge on April 19th, 1937 to August 11th, 2019 is 82 years, 114 days.

Ritual Sacrifice=82.

President of The United States=114.

World War=114.

Minneapolis, Minnesota=114. (more on this in a sec).

From the date the Golden Gate Bridge opened up on May 27th, 1937 to August 11th, 2019 is 82 years 76 days.

Ritual Sacrifice=82.

Blood Sacrifice=76.

Notice too that on the Wikipedia screenshot for the Golden Gate Bridge, at the bottom they say the bridge has been open for 81years as of 2018.
Golden Gate Bridge=81.


From the date of the Minnesota bridge collapse on 8/1 back on 2007 to August 11th, 2019 is 12 years 10 days, like 121. And 121 matches up with 'Revelation' and 'Blood Sacrifice'.

Even on Yahoo they're showing a story about the death of Khashoggi with a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/rep-speier-apos-seen-president-114746015.html

For more about this Grim Reaper story check out Zach's blog.


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