Today is 9/19/2018, the day leaving 103 days left in the year.
103 is the 27th prime number.
Police are quoted in the article saying "Please lock all doors, stay inside and shelter in place".
Please lock all doors, stay inside and shelter in place=270, like 27.
Please lock all doors, stay inside and shelter in place=729, which has a square root of 27.
The police responded to the 1800 block of Deming Way.
Eighteen hundred=147, like police does in Jewish.
Deming Way=47 just like cop, government, authority and obey.
Madison, WI=44, 53, 107, 136. (Dont forget that from the Las Vegas shooting on 10/1/2017 to the Parkland shooting on 2/14/2018 is 136 days, atonement=136).
Shooting=44, 53, 107.
And of course with the police being controlled by Masonry we get a lot of 33.
Masonry, secrecy, police, order, all equal 33.
And with today being the second day of Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday of atonement, dont forget that atonement and shooting both equal 107 like shooting.
And for anyone thinking that Freemasonry isn't controlling everything we see and hear about........
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