https://www.reuters.com/article/us-jagger/storm-saved-mick-jagger-from-assassination-idUSSP22492920080303 A storm saved Mick Jagger from assassination by the Hell’s Angels 40 years ago and Reuters puts out a story about it on 8/11/2007 during The Rolling Stones European Tour, A Bigger Bang? The assassination attempt took place near San Francisco and Mick Jagger is about to turn 76 on 7/26. San Francisco=76. For this to connect to The Rolling Stones, search my blog for my work on The Rock and rock slides and earthquakes connecting to 8/11/2019. Remember Trump met with Bikers For Trump on 8/11/2018. http://twentysevendecoding.blogspot.com/2019/06/with-all-connections-to-186-ive-seen.html Divine Feminine=911. Tisha B’Av=911. 40 years ago was the assassination attempt? We’re seeing a lot of water and devine feminine connections with 8/11/2019 and a girl was supposedly stabbed to death during The Rolling Stones performance where Mick Jagger was dancing...