With the whole CORONAvirus outbreak scare going on, what could come from SCOTUS? There’s some interesting connections with Brett “I Love Beer!!” Kavanaugh. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/skbaer/brett-kavanaugh-likes-beer From the date Brett Kavanaugh assumed office on 10/6/2018 to the first case of CORONAvirus, aka “patient zero” on 12/12/2019 is 1 year 2 months 6 days, like how Kobe Bryant died on 1/26 and CORONAvirus was remnamed Covid-19 and Covid translates to Kobe in HeBREW. Brett M. Kavanaugh=56, 97. 12/12/2019 is 56 days after Event 201. Coronavirus=56, 65, 70. Brett=20 (Here we are in 2020), 34, 65, 70. Death=20, 34, 38, 97. SCOTUS=34, 38, 97, 65. Pandemic=38, 65, 151. Brett Kavanaugh=151. From Kobe’s death on 1/26/2020 to Tisha B’Av on 7/29/2020 is 186 days. Vaccination=186. From “patient zero” on 12/12/2019 to Donald Trumps birthday on 6/14/2020 is 186...