Today is 3/9/2020 and the Dow opened up and dropped over
2,000 points, supposedly because of Coronavirus and oil selloff.
3/9/2020 has 52 date numerology.
Two Thousand=52, 56, 65.
Coronavirus=56, 65, 142.
Tisha B’Av on 7/29/2020 is 142 days after 3/9/2020.
3/9/2020 is the 69th day of the year.
Saturn=69, 93 like how today’s date can be written 9/3.
Vaccination=48, 69, 111, 186.
Oil Selloff=48, 111.
9/11/2020 is 186 days after 3/9/2020 and leaves 111 days
left in the year.
Kobe’s death supposedly in a helicopter crash on 1/26/2020
is 186 days before Tisha B’Av on 7/29/2020.
Donald Trumps birthday on 6/14/2020 is 186 days after “patient
zero” on 12/12/2019.
The big date I’ve been watching is St. Patrick’s Day which
is 8 days after 3/9/2020 and the number 8 represents time.
Market=94, 226.
The Sum of divisors of 94 equals 144.
Time=144 and Saturn in the keeper of time.
Two Hundred Twenty Six=93 and the ’93 World Trade Center
bombing happened on 2/26.
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