What is the meaning of 126? Maybe I'm closer to finding it now.
In Hebrew Chai means life.
Chai=18. This is why they give money as a gift in denominations of 18.

In the Sumerian Cipher Chai=126.

1+2+6=9 and 9 represents completion, like 9 months of human gestationand then BIRTH, right back to LIFE!

United States=126.

If you spell out One Hundred Twenty Six it matches with other very common numbers we see.
One Hundred Twenty Six=96 and 147.

Freemason=147, 96, 48, 156.

Thirty-Three=156, 41.

41 is the 13th prime number. 13 colonies and so much more connect with that number.

USA=41, 40, 10.

United States=40.

God=10. Who gave LIFE to everything?


What is 47?
This just looks like more proof of those that are controlling us and created this country, our language and so much more are just playing God over us.


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