Today is 3/12/3019 and CNN has an article about a Keila Ruby
Flores who was supposedly killed on Saturday while driving home from Round
Rock, Texas when someone threw a rock off an overpass which went through the
windshield and killed her.
The family was driving home to Waco, Texas.
Waco, Texas=111. The video in the article is 1:11.
Today, 3/12/2019, the day they’re reporting this is the 71st
day of the year with 54 and 27 numerology.
Keila Ruby Flores=71.
Round Rock, Texas=71.
The Society of Jesus=71.
Jesuit Order=54. They are basically the Catholic order of
Keila Flores=59, 67, 113.
Freemasonry=59, 67.
Blood Sacrifice=67.
Not True=113.
Mainstream=67, 113.
She was 33 years old with 3 children.
Circumscribe Our Desires And Keep Our Passions Within Due
Flores=33, 39.
Masonry=33, 39.
Waco, Texas=39.
Keila=20, 34, 38, 97 the 25th prime number.
The day she died, 3/10/2019 has date numerology of 25.
Rock=20, 25.
Murder=34, 38.
Death=20, 25, 38, 97.
Killing=38, 115.
Masonic=38, 115.
Round Rock=47, 52. 3/10/2019 has date numerology of 52.
Rock=47, 143.
Overpass=34, 47, 52, 115.
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=143.
What is the point of publishing these deaths if it is murder? Did it really happen?